Does toenail fungus turn brown when it dies?

Your toenail may start to turn less and less yellow, white, black, or brown. In addition, another important sign to consider is the decrease in the thickness of the toenail. Finally, one sign that a toenail fungus is going away is that a new nail is growing in a healthy state. Toenail fungus can cause toenails to turn white, yellow, black, or brown.

The American Academy of Dermatology Association states that fingernails usually grow in 4 to 6 months, while toenails can take 12 to 18 months. We know that infected nails are ugly. They may have a pale yellow color at first. As the nail becomes thicker and brittle, it may take on a darker shade of yellow.

As the fungus progresses, the color may change from yellow to brown. In some cases, a very unpleasant nail fungus can even turn black and start to crumble. Trimming those nails becomes a challenge. A fungal infection on the toenails can discolor the nail and turn it brown, yellow, black, or white.

Once treatment begins, the fungus disappears and may darken a little at first. If you continue with treatment, the infection will gradually disappear, leading to the growth of a new, healthy nail that will look different and better than the infected one. This process can take time, as nail fungus can be resistant to treatment and toenails can take a long time to grow. Toe fungus can cause your toenail to turn white, yellow, black, or brown.

Changes in color may indicate that the fungus is dying. The nail will gradually thin out as the fungus is treated. When a toenail has a fungal infection, it usually turns yellow or brown. Smelly debris can also accumulate under the nail.

Toenail fungus and diabetes can cause mutual complications, so it's important to know the symptoms and seek help if you have them. To see if this prescription medication for toenail fungus is right for you, simply fill out an online medical consultation based on a questionnaire. Here are some ways to tell if you have a nail infection, including how to identify toenail fungus and fungal infections on the skin of the big toe. If you think you may have toenail fungus, it's important to see a doctor so you can get treatment.

You can show your toenails to the doctor on your next office visit, or schedule an appointment if you want to talk about treatment with a prescription medication. If you've found a good treatment for toenail fungus and now you're wondering what are the signs that the toenail fungus is finally going away, you've come to the right place. If you think you might have toenail fungus, it's important to know what they look like so you can get treatment. If the toenail infection has caused the nails to thicken and protrude from the nail bed, a sign that the treatment is effective is a decrease in the thickness of the nails.

If you're not sure if you have toenail fungus or athlete's foot, it's best to see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. If toenail fungus causes nail pain, it may be an indication that the fungus is dying. However, athlete's foot isn't usually as serious as toenail fungus and can be treated with over-the-counter antifungal creams. Toenail fungus takes a long time to show symptoms, so it's important to check your feet regularly for signs of infection.

Another sign of death from a toenail fungus is the growth of a new, healthy nail that looks different from the older infected toenail. Like athlete's foot, plantar warts can also be confused with toenail fungus because they can affect the nails.