How do you get rid of brown toenail fungus?

If you have toenail fungus, you can treat the infection with an antifungal cream or oral medication. For other causes of toenail discoloration, make sure your feet are well protected and avoid walking barefoot to prevent injury or infection. Some people can try home remedies to get rid of toenail fungus. Some examples are baking soda, menthol products and more.

However, home remedies may not be effective in preventing infections. Proponents of baking soda may suggest it as a remedy, as it can help absorb moisture that can cause toenail fungus. In addition, it may possess fungistatic properties, meaning that it does not kill fungi, but it can prevent them from growing. A small previous study supports this claim and suggests that baking soda can prevent fungal growth.

However, there isn't much scientific evidence to support baking soda as a remedy and there's no evidence to suggest that it can treat fungal infections. As with vinegar, there's no direct scientific evidence to support the use of mouthwashes to treat toenail fungus. However, some research suggests that mouthwashes containing chlorhexidine may have antifungal properties. It is worth noting that mouthwash containing this ingredient generally requires a prescription in the United States, so a person cannot buy it without a prescription.

Garlic, which is normally used to flavor foods, may also provide some benefit to help treat toenail fungus. Although limited, there is some evidence to support this claim. Some evidence suggests that certain essential oils may possess antifungal properties and have some use in conjunction with existing antifungal treatments. However, these oils may pose a risk of allergy and irritation.

When toenails turn yellow, a fungus is often to blame. This type of fungal infection is so common that you may not even need to see a doctor for treatment. If the nail is yellow and thick, gently file the surface so that the medication reaches the deeper layers. If home treatment does not work, a doctor's visit is necessary.

With toenail fungus, the nail becomes thick and yellow and may show white spots and stripes. A type of mold called dermatophyte causes ringworm, the most common nail fungus. Tinea nugueal most often targets the toenails, but it can also affect the fingernails. Onychomycosis is another name for this condition.

Toenail fungus is a generalized fungal infection affecting toenails. Less commonly, nail fungus can infect fingernails. Toenail fungus occurs when fungus gets between the toenail and the nail bed (the tissue just below the toenail). This usually occurs through of a crack or cut in the toe.

Cleveland Clinic is a not-for-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse products or services other than Cleveland Clinic. Policy When a dermatophyte causes toenail fungus, the condition is called tinea ungueal.

A dermatophyte is a mold that needs a protein called keratin to grow. Keratin is the main structural material in nails that hardens them. Dermatophytes cause 90% of fungal toenail infections. Tinea Ungueal is also known as onychomycosis.

Toenail fungus may be unsightly, but it usually doesn't hurt. A type of mold called dermatophyte causes ringworm. Dermatophytes are fungal microorganisms (too small to see with the naked eye). They feed on keratin, a protein found in fingernails and toenails. Dermatophytes are the cause of 90% of fungal toenail infections.

However, other types of fungi can also infect toenails. Yes, many types of toenail fungus, including tinea unguial, are highly contagious. You can spread the fungus to another person through direct contact. You can also get toenail fungus when you touch an infected surface.

However, toenail fungus usually doesn't spread beyond the toe. Some dermatophyte fungi spread easily to the skin. The skin and scalp also contain keratin. Your healthcare provider will first carefully examine the affected toenail to evaluate your symptoms.

They may be able to identify toenail fungus just by looking at the toe. However, your healthcare provider may order tests to confirm a fungal infection. Your healthcare provider will likely take a small sample from under the nail for further analysis. Observation of the cells under a microscope can confirm the diagnosis of toenail fungus. If the initial test is negative, it can be scraped to see if the fungus has grown in a culture.

This also helps your healthcare provider identify the type of fungus. Toenail fungus is notoriously difficult to treat. You may need to treat tinea unguial for several months to get rid of the fungus. However, toenail fungus often comes back.

A skin specialist (dermatologist) or a podiatrist (podiatrist) can explain treatment options to you. If you have a mild case that doesn't bother you, your healthcare provider may not recommend it no treatment. You can regularly apply a topical medication directly to the nail. The drug treats the fungus over time.

Topical medications are most effective when combined with oral medications. Your healthcare provider will direct a high-tech laser beam and special lights at the toenail to treat the fungus. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the “temporary increase in transparent nail fungus”, but they are not a cure. The cure rates of laser treatment are lower than those of oral and topical medications. Usually, your healthcare provider won't use lasers as a first-line treatment for nail fungus.

The most effective toenail fungus treatment for you will depend largely on your symptoms and your situation. Your healthcare provider will consider several factors before recommending a treatment plan. They will customize a treatment plan for you. In general, oral antifungal medications may offer the greatest treatment potential.

Combining oral medications with topical antifungals may make treatment more effective. While toenail fungus is common, it's usually not harmful. The symptoms mainly affect the appearance of the toenail. Toenail fungus can spread to the skin between the toes or to other parts of the body.

When getting dressed, put your socks on first to reduce the chance of them spreading. Treating toenail fungus is time consuming and does not always work. Even so, toenail fungus often comes back. Talk to your healthcare provider about the pros and cons of treating toenail fungus to determine what's best for you.

Practicing good hygiene and foot care reduces the chance of toenail fungus coming back. If you have diabetes, regular foot exams can help you treat foot problems before they get worse. You may be tempted to cover a discolored nail with nail polish. However, if you're using a topical antifungal, you probably shouldn't use nail polish.

Your healthcare provider may tell you not to use it under any circumstances. Nail polish traps moisture from the nail bed (the tissue underneath the toenail). Because fungi grow in humid environments, the use of nail polish can worsen a fungal infection. However, nails continue to grow with or without polish. Rarely, toenail fungus can cause an infection called cellulitis.

Without timely treatment, cellulitis can pose a serious health hazard. Toenail fungus (tinea unguialis) is a very common infection that can be difficult to treat. Tinea toenails don't usually hurt, but it can make you feel self-conscious about the way your foot looks. If it bothers you, talk to your healthcare provider about your options of treatment.

A trained specialist (such as a dermatologist or podiatrist) can provide guidance on what is most likely to address your concerns while protecting your overall health. Learn more about our editorial process. Laser treatment for toenail fungus may temporarily improve the nail, but it has a lower cure rate than oral medications. Toenail fungal infection, known as onychomycosis, is a common but difficult condition; treatments for toenail fungus include a wide range of options with success rates variables.

In addition, people at higher risk of complications should seek medical treatment for toenail fungus and avoid home remedies altogether. Some people may recommend using products that contain menthol, such as a menthol disinfectant, to help treat toenail fungus. Despite this, there is a reasonable chance that different treatment approaches can improve the symptoms and appearance of toenails. In fact, in clinical trials in which researchers re-check toenail clippings to see if there is any residual fungus after applying treatments to the nails, only 10 to 15% show that there are no spores of detectable fungi.